We Provide Chiropractic Care Through All Ages!
What is Chiropractic?
The chiropractic philosophy is that “dis-ease” is caused by bones in your spine, called vertebra, being out of alignment. When this happens, it affects how messages are sent to and from your master computer, your brain. If your brain is unable to receive and send correct information because the information is mixed and jumbled due to interference by your spinal misalignments, it will not be able to keep your body running smoothly and well. Learn more about adjustments here.

Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for a woman. With a changing body and a growing baby, new mamas need extra care. Chiropractic care can help decrease the stress of a mamas changing body by aligning the spine and pelvis to allow the baby to grow as easily as possible. As labor and delivery approaches, chiropractic care again can align the spine and pelvis limiting this as possible hindrance to delivery.

Newborn and Infant Care
Birth can be a traumatic event to an infant. If you think about it, the infant is pushed and shoved in all directions even without complications. A caesarean delivery can also put undo stress on a little one’s neck and spine. Adjustments to an infant are very gentle. Many times, they sleep right through the adjustment. But the benefits are great! A good adjustment may help them sleep, avoid colic, and just be a happier baby.

Pediatric Care
Healthy kids are active kids. However, with this activity comes many scrapes, bumps, and falls. Chiropractic care, just as in adults, can help kids be the healthiest they can be by allowing the nervous system to work at a much more efficient level by keeping the spine in alignment and removing interference.

Elder Care
Aging is a natural process, but pain doesn’t have to be. Adjustments can add quality of life to senior citizens. Life with less pain from spinal misalignments allows seniors to enjoy what makes them happy in life and live life to the fullest. Age and medical conditions are always considered when recommendations are made towards an individualized health plan which includes the adjusting techniques used (some use a lower adjusting force than others).